
The code, documentation, and support channels is written and maintained and developed by Simon Nilsson ( with help from the collaborative and friendly open-source community.

Who writes this stuff??

SimBA was originally written in the Sam Golden lab at the University of Washington during 2019-2020, by postdoc Simon Nilsson with the help from lab manager Jia Jie Choong. A related plotly dashboard (not maintained as of 2020) was also written by Sophia Hwang and Aasiya Islam.

The code written in the Sam Golden lab is no longer maintained or supported by any individuals, documentation, or repository. This early code can be a little tricky to work with - as it is not object oriented, and has no unit test and checks etc. - but if needed, the code be found by installing simba-uw-tf-dev version prior to 0.77.0 through pypi.

Simon Nilsson left the Golden lab in 2020 - and since then - he maintains SimBA in his spare time from North Carolina. As of October 2020, the SimBA codebase, SimBA Github repository, SimBA pip package, SimBA API, SimBA documentation, and SimBA supports channels, are maintained and developed exclusively by Simon, without grants, hardware or other support. This development would not be possible without the collaborative and friendly open-source community with their expert feedback and suggestions!

Notes on development

Coming through pose-estimation packages such as DeepLabCut or SLEAP, users of SimBA can occationally feel some frustration by the lack of UX design, unit/regression tests, version control, CI/CD etc, repo layout etc etc. We ask you to be mindful that SimBA is not supported by grants or developers and we have not been able to prioritize best practises. If you need help troubleshooting your SimBA project, it can be very helpful to be ready with a small data sample. SimBA development is not supported by any GPUs and we have a restricted set of smaller projects to test with that may be unrelated to your use-case.